It might come as a surprise, but many eBay scams are not targeted at innocent buyers looking for a good deal. If the shipped item was sold for under $750, delivery notification is adequate proof. The email will state that the payment will be released to you once you have proven that the goods have been sent. to fight them over this and go to the Phillippines is beyond annoying. Unfortunately, Significantly Not As Described (SNAD) claims are not covered for the seller. It's okay but would like the other if u still have it.This is a link to my listing with the photos of the top: is the photo she took of the top that I sent to her:Now am I crazy, or is this not the exact same top?Anyway, how should I proceed with this? You have to make them paying you off a better deal than the hassle you will continue causing for them. Usually people who does such things have a signature for example zero feedback, completely new to ebay, buy item but pay later, non-usa 3. A buyer can return anything simply by evoking this phrase, even if the item was described in minute detail. The buyer has since responded and accepted that it was delivered somewherebut not to him. But I would like to reach more buyers. If you want to file a refund request hassle-free, sign up for DoNotPay and do it in minutes! Also one first class item costs a US seller minimum $2.60 to ship that same item is .30 for China. on Thanks guys, Ive emailed the buyer and said shes sent back the wrong item, and would she like me to return it back to her and she can still return the item I sent outhaha not sure how to open a case on this kind of problem but Ill go and have a look through help. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Sometimes, a frazzled seller can inadvertently mix orders up and buyers end up with a different item on their doorstep. I asked my boyfriend to print off the labels and post them while he was at work. You close the listing and send the item, but either they dont pay, or they dispute the transaction with eBay, claiming the item was broken or that the listing was a fake. Was full of marks. Those are not indicative of any scam. Youll be asked to provide evidence that the buyer returns a different item (I just submitted a pic of the item I sent and the pic the buyer sent me) and sign an affidavit. I've seen buyers who've scammed hundreds upon hundreds of sellers and haven't been removed from the site (3 I can think of who've left almost exclusively negative feedbacks, and some have been answered confirming the buyer was scamming). Thanks for the policy violation on your part eBay. 06:46 AM. Honest mistakes happen. shot goods Gilas Pilipinas Full Sublimation Jersey When a buyer wants to return an item and be issued a refund, here is what you do first. Listen to this weeks podcast to hear sourcing methods from a seller! Over the last 2 decades, web development businesses pop up and die off faster than you can say "HTML". Tune into our last eBay for Business podcast episode of 2022! Select Order Not as Described. Accept it and issue return label. Tip Once they have the code, they disappear and make off with your gift card balance. @deala0621:There's no point in contacting Canada Post, or USPS. How were you able to call eBay? Explain it to him like you explained it to us. I saw in a similar post somebody suggested to ask the buyer to send the "wrong item" back, I guess for evidence. The law spells out how to challenge billing errors. Same thing just happened to me and I was able to keep the earning. On August 12th I got a decision back stating: We reviewed this case and decided to issue the buyer a full refund. It expressly says this in the PayPal Seller Protection terms. Contact the buyer directly to try to resolve the issue Send a replacement item: If the buyer would rather have the item than a refund, use the "Send a message" option to offer them a replacement. Please check with everyone in your home and any packages you've received recebtly for any mixups with your mail. I agree, but the fact that from my initial dispute to the appeal zero new information or new evidence was presented shows me that sellers have absolutely no chance of winning the first dispute. Our app will file a claim in your stead, saving you time and a potential headache. e-bay couldnt give two hoots for sellers as long as they are making money. As well as informing Amazon, tell the buyer that as theyve returned a different item (and quote all those differences) you will not be refunding. I have multiple people selling my exclusive product for less that I sell it for on Ebay. To get a refund from USPS, your eBay buyer can: Submit an e-form. Phone eBay and they said I should have tried harder. I had a customer contacted me that the item was damaged in transit. It was already on the way. On the package in the picture the buyer sent I can't see the original label (the one I would have stuck on it), but on top of that is the one, I gather, that is from Canada Post that does, in fact, have that same Canada Post tracking #. eBays security systems can only protect buyers and sellers when transactions occur directly on the website. 09-10-2020 This time, I accidentally sent an ebay buyer the wrong item. i think someone is trying to scam me like this to. This leads you as the buyer to think youve received someone elses parcel by mistake, and you return it or take it back to the post office. Put your blame where it belongs with Chinese sellers! Am I going to be screwed out of $55? I'll have to ask her what she sees different because I know it's the same. Cases Policy - Our House Rules | Etsy This looks like a long list but its important to be very diligent when buying or selling on the eBay platform. As completed feedback cant be disputed, it places some people in a position where they feel they must comply or risk the integrity of their account. I asked the buyer if the package he received was damaged or opened. Example: You bought a table, and it showed up with only three legs. Other platforms I never had a problem with over 6 years. Once I listed a new in box item as white when it was really blue. Things like this happen. Open a case with Amazon so that they have all the details including pics of the item that you sent to the customer and the item that they returned back to you incase it goes to a A - Z claim. There is no way to dispute a transaction once its finalized in this way. If you want to understand the process of reporting a scam to police and how eBay is involved, visit the eBay Security Center. Help a buyer with an item they didn't receive | eBay I never sold a necklace on ebay period, and never saw that one in my life. You can exchange an item (excluding gift returns) through Your Orders if your return item wasn't purchased with a promotion (except for free shipping promotions), if the return item was purchased with a credit or debit card, and the exchange item meets the other eligibility criteria listed below. They say its to cover additional shipping costs, as they suddenly need it sent to a foreign country (often Nigeria, although not always). USPS. Him claiming he did not get the package until day before opening claim yet UPS showing delivery 15 days before along with his signature was strange to supervisor. In order to fill out this request, customers must do the following: Log in to your Amazon account and go to the Your Orders page. Learn how to spot these common eBay scams targeting both buyers and sellers, and learn how to avoid them. 26-05-2020 bearbrickStarry Sky Qianqiu Gold Powder Violent Bear Bearbrick - edited Im concerned this is a scam. But just the thought of it would scare a lot of scammers into stopping this shit. It also looks like the original label is a printed label, cut out and then taped on. They then go to Etsy and order the item from me at full price using a suspect credit card number. Gift card scammers reach out to victims by phone, email, or social media. Yeah you filing that stuff 100% does nothing. I lost my appeal. By ARTHUR WRIGHT. I have 50ish 5 star selling reviews and not one negative review on anything Ive done since Ive started selling. In most cases, the refund takes 3 to 5 business days to process. Buyer says I sent the wrong item but the photo looked like my listing, ______________________________________________________. I accidentally sent a buyer the wrong item on eBay, but I do - Quora For approved returns, Mercari provides a free shipping label to the Buyer. The company has put in some safeguards, but you can do a lot to protect yourself as an eBay user. Once the scammer has your money through untraceable means, they will stop communicating with you and will not send the item. Sadly, in the rush, you may have failed to notice that the listing only specified the box the item came in, not the item itself. Ebay basically says, "Well we don't know what you actually sent the buyer so we can't be sure who's side to take here so we always favor the buyer." I am simply astounded. Update 2: So my next step was to file claim with UPS. If eBay screws you and sides with the buyer like they most certainly will, you have to make yourself into the biggest pain in their ass that you possibly can. A place to discuss tactics and success stories of buying things for a low price and selling them for a higher one. I called ebay on July 26th before accepting the return to explain what was going on, and what my hesitation was given the amount of people attempting to scam graphics cards. Anytime I can create with the Stardream line, I jump at the . This is what it takes to get ebay to appeal a return in your favor. Buyer says I sent wrong item, is it a scam or was it mixed up in the mail? Should I try to see if it was mixed up with another package? Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. But the fact that she specifically took a photo of the top tells me it was meant for me. They look the same to me.. on I sent wrong item - Welcome to the Etsy Community Unfortunately for you, the item is a replica of the one you sent. . There are two occasions in the tracking updates that says it was rerouted due to processing error. Experienced scammers know this and may take advantage of sellers that are unaware of this additional burden of proof requirement. I mailed a limited edition eye shadow palate to Ontario Canada for $90. Do everything you can to annoy them until they finally just pay you the $900 so you go away. I contacted Canada Post again and they said I can contact USPS and they can investigate and will contact them. If so, it's definitely not a package I've sent out. As its a scam, you will never see your money or your items again. Learn the fundamental steps for running an eBay business. If you are the intended recipient, it is a good idea to inform the sender, as well as to contact USPS yourself. Your package was definitely received by GSP in Kentucky, so if that doesn't look like your packaging, then it must have gotten mixed up by GSP and they sent the wrong package to your buyer, or your buyer is pulling a scam. Would also like to give the buyer the benefit of the doubt but it is really suspect that they created their eBay account the day they ordered my item. Strictly No RETURN NO EXCHANGE policy. So Im hoping he doesnt return anything. I'm convinced, from reading other posts online, that the first one is completely computer generated, or done by someone with zero knowledge of English or Google translate. Buyer pretended the item/ring was not as listed. Solved: Buyer says I sent the wrong item but the photo loo - The I asked them what the item says on the back cause the item i sent has the brand name stamped on the back the item in his photo i suspect is not that brand and will not have the stamp. The scammer only needs to say they suspect something was wrong and most institutions will chargeback straightaway, regardless of whether they already have the item or what condition its in. People are getting desperate, violent and all kinds of other things lately. After 20 minute hold a supervisor from the Philippines comes on, long story short he said : while I was on hold he was reviewing my messages and the buyers messages along with my pictures and his pictures and he thought the buyers story did not add up. Dollars. Please read the rules -, Press J to jump to the feed. BUT that package in the picture did have the correct Canada Post tracking number that they supplied for the item I sent after it went through customs. I got pictures proving what i shipped on the box along with UPS signature proof of delivery (he filed the claim 15 days after receiving and 1 day before EBays buyer protection 30 days.) Etsy then accepts payment at full price and authorizes the order, then pays me the full price and I ship the order. They will call the number you have on record for this account, so make sure that's correct before you start. Zero money was left over. The item could have gotten mixed up during a customs check? You're responsible until the item is delivered so saying that means you would have to refund and then claim insurance if you purchased it. This is the message:Just wanted to say that the item I received was not this one. The following is a list of items that are not covered, which means the seller can accept payment, fail to send the item, and then you as the buyer have no recourse through the eBay website. Traditional APIs: Orders, resolutions and feedback, eBay APIs: Talk to your fellow developers, RESTful Sell APIs: Account, Inventory, Catalog and Compliance, RESTful Sell APIs: Marketing, Analytics, Metadata, Post Order APIs - Inquiry, Case Management, Reminder: Spring Seller Check-In is tomorrow, Tune in to part two of our series on listing myths, Check out this weeks podcast episode and learn how to handle angry customers, Maximize your eBay sales over Februarys biggest holidays. Hopefully youll receive a positive decision within a couple of days and eBay will release the funds on hold. Buyer gave wrong address, and expects refund, who - The eBay Community This is why I take photos of the item with the eBay paperwork. We will not refund the buyer and you can continue to work with him through UPS claim if buyer decides to provide number. Particularly if the item is expensive, popular, or desirable (such as new cell phones or gaming consoles). 04:28 PM. Buying products through eBay is usually straightforward, but some scammers work to defraud innocent people who are just trying to get a good deal. The item is damaged or unusable: Contact the seller to ask if they'd like you to return the damaged or unusable (example: locked phone) item. All such complaints from sellers are simply ignored, as profit takes precedence over reason. I told Ron that this was, "pardon my French, absolute bullshit." "That picture shows different items rather than what I sent. This topic was automatically closed 180 days after the last reply. Do I have any standing with amazon to refuse to refund this return on this basis does anyone know, Ive never fought a return before but this was an expensive item (for me) and I really dont want to refund her the cost and the postage return on an item that I cant possibly resellall help gratefully received. The item's condition was misrepresented. E bay is now forcing sellers to buy their shipping labels at a higher cost and still making a lot of money from it. This months episode of the eBay Seller Spotlight podcast is live! by asking the buyer questions or calling the post office? I've only had to use these pics a few times but they save a lot of hassle. This is a type of blackmail. Solving problems with a PayPal purchase - PayPal I sell on Ebay myself. 06:44 AM eBay are only concerned with issues that affect their own profit margins. You must be new here, in this sub anything and everything is a scam ;). So Im very happy because obviously its buyer scam(hes done it before based on his feedback to another seller). USPS is the most trusted delivery service in the USA. Made sure we sent all images to amazon as it was within 30 days of purchase. If you haven't replied to your buyer yet, I'd send a message saying approximately the following: Hi there, thanks for letting me know the top arrived safely! If the package was mixed up, it would have happened there. what is beyond infinity most expensive car ticket. The most common dispute for a scammer is the "not as described" dispute. Item compatibility is buyer s responsibility. What can I do in this situation to avoid loosing $900 and the item as well? I've taken back an item I never sold lol. PayPal Seller Protection exists to help sellers trade confidently on eBay. Buyer claims I sent wrong item : r/Mercari - I purchased and sent $1000 for an item from a seller on eBay then the seller said I need to send another $1000 for the insurance then the shipment was stopped in Arkansas border and needed to send $800 to get it from Arkansas border the item supposed to been delivered February 25,2022 to me here it is March 17,2022 and I still havent received it after paying $2800 to get the item to me through eBay I was scammed by this seller that used eBay because they got my money and I got no item I paid for Im disputing it now through my bank and its under investigation they robbed me of $2800. Disputes about the quality of the item are not billing errors. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I did all of this. Soon afterward, youll be contacted by scammers pretending to be from PayPal, asking for postal tracking numbers. They readily cooperate with law enforcement and encourage scammed users to make a police report with their local authorities. 26-05-2020 I agree. You can ask the customer to return the item, but he has no legal obligation to do so. These are both things ebay phone reps suggest. 1. Buyer says item not received, Royal Mail says delivered - EBay they look darker than they should.As kopes said above, different devices show brightness and colours differently - in an ideal world they wouldn't but that's what we have to deal with. The fact that the buyer claimed the item didn't work instead of INAD (item not as described) also would have made it easier to case. Attached is a picture of a side buckle and the package with address label. The buyer then tried to repeat that same scam several times. This is what people are doing nowadays, so selfish. As much money as eBay is making off us sellers they should not make us cover a refund when a buyer says they never received their product or it is damaged due to shipping or them not telling the truth. Visit the nearest USPS location and fill out a request form. If you have been scammed, well show you the steps you can take to report it. Is it possible to contact their police department? Just thought Id share. eBay will demand a return and the buyer sends the empty box back to you, keeping the item and the money as its refunded. Luckily I was able to contact the Global center and stop the item from shipping to the buyer. eBay is very aware that scams occur on the website. As you sent it recorded delivery I am assuming it had some value to it. Aamzon advised we can do what we want. 4) Request return shipping label credit as buyer made false claim. Ebay problems: Buyer opened a return and sent back a different item Thanks guys, I've emailed the buyer and said she's sent back the wrong item, and would she like me to return it back to her and she can still return the item I sent outhaha not sure how to open a case on this kind of problem but I'll go and have a look through help. Report a buyer if you think they have acted illegally or fraudulently here. A scammer doesnt have to try very hard to steal your money, as most transaction sites are built to protect the buyer. It WAS new in the box. That has happened to me. What's the return address? They readily cooperate with law enforcement. Do not refund half. If the item is sold for more than $750 the item must have signature delivery proof. Buyer hasn't paid but eBay won't won't send invoice : r/Ebay. why it was refused and Never heard back. Under our eBay Money Back Guarantee policy, if a buyer opens a return case, sellers must facilitate this. I have a picture of the item preposting with the order sheet - a habit Ive got into with sending out bridal type things as these are often the people who return items. In this case, the purchase may be completed without flaw. Before you start your Missing Mail Search, you will want to double check the status of your package. 2023 Comparitech Limited. Somewhat new, never had this happen before. Its just getting worse, sadly. Buyer sent me picture of something different in the box. Message 1of 30 I have had a few people say they didnt receive their orders when I know I sent out to all of them. - edited What a pain in the ass - of course they probably didnt ban the buyer or anything so theyll just do it again to a seller who isnt as diligent at documenting as you are. Sizes: XS to 2XL. Otherwise, you can also restart the laptop just by pressing the power button. If I were shooting it I'd make it a little brighter again, but this is kinda the minimum you want to be at for a black piece of clothing. CHAPTER XIII. It is a site to get quality at the best price and sometimes I make 50 cents. I can send to any other email address OK.We'll move all . but it is really suspect that they created their eBay account the day they ordered my item. A buyer may see your item and offer to pay for it privately rather than using eBays official payment channels. (BT Mail) supports IMAP, so you can use it and schedule
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